Why did you join the Alliance? Denise and Ken Fine respond…
Two of the newest members of the Lafayette Alliance, Denise and Ken Fine, were asked why they joined. Here’s what they said:
“As a new resident of LaGrange, I “discovered” the story of the Marquis de Lafayette. I hold a degree in American History and have done postgraduate work specializing in the American Civil War. I began reading The Marquis by Laura Auricchio after seeing her on Public Television. I want to know more regarding Lafayette after discovering the LaGrange Lafayette Alliance.” – Ken Fine
“My degree is in Science and I have always shared Lafayette’s views of the importance of human dignity and human rights. As an occupational therapist, I encourage people to be as independent in their lives as physically and emotionally possible. Society plays an important role in allowing and facilitating people to be independent, but it can also be a barrier to reaching this independence. I celebrate differences in people and cultures. Despite what I know about slavery, I can not imagine my heart and mind allowing the enslavement of another human being. After listening to one of the Alliance’s presentations, I was moved to seek further involvement with this group. Additionally, I have the utmost respect for Dr. Ingram and thoroughly enjoy his style of communication.” -Denise Fine
We are happy to have the Fines in the membership of the Lafayette Alliance. Would you like to become a member? Join today by going to https://www.lafayettelagrange.org/shop/ or emailing Alliance Secretary Alex Hughes at [email protected].